Going to College with Hydrocephalus

group of students looking happy and chatting outside.

Students with hydrocephalus share many of the same questions as their peers who are not living with a chronic medical condition when exploring colleges. They also have an additional set of considerations around medical needs, accommodations, and supports on campus. I worked with the Hydrocephalus Association to create series of articles to support students with hydrocephalus and their families.

Here are the pieces that I created in the “Going to College” series:

  1. The College Search
  2. College Programs for Academic and Accessibility Support
  3. Differences Between High School and College Accommodations
  4. Transitioning to College: Academics
  5. Choosing the Right College
  6. Transitioning to College: Healthcare Management
  7. College Status and Leave Policies
  8. Mental Health and Wellness for College Students
While these pieces are geared toward students with hydrocephalus, they have broad applicability for students with other health conditions and physical disabilities as well. I hope you enjoy them! If you’d like to learn more about me work supporting students with physical disabilities and health conditions with the college preparation and transition process, contact me for a free 30 minute consultation!
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