Accessible College/Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation Partnership Continues!

Taylor Price, wheelchair user receiving a diploma from Georgetown University president, John DeGoia. Both in cap and gown

Accessible College is pleased to announce our partnership with the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation to offer FREE college transition support services to students with limb paralysis!

Who is eligible: 
Students with limb paralysis who are considering post-secondary education. Through this project we have worked with high school students and adult students with a wide variety of conditions including: spina bifida, cerebral palsy, neurological conditions, spinal cord injuries, stroke, and more.

Students and families can sign up for this service by contacting an Information Specialist at the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation to see if they are eligible:
Phone: 1-800-539-7309 (Ask for an Information Specialist)

Free Transition Guide for Students with Paralysis:
This transition guide, was written by Annie Tulkin, Founder and Director of Accessible College, for the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation: Navigating and Transitioning to College with Paralysis

Learn More:
Student experiences and Reeve Program 

Questions? Contact us for a free 30 minute consultation!